Welcome to our website

UNIAPAC is a federation of associations, gathering more than 15000 Christian Business leaders from 30 countries. Its goal is to promote, in the light of the Christian Social Teachings, a vision and a deployment of Corporate Social Responsibility serving people and the common good of the World.

MA'AM, the Islamic Christian Forum for Businessmen, is an association whose sole purpose is to determine the motivations, practices and controls of the business leaders in organization. It also advocates the determination of the economical and societal vision to better serve mankind and to improve the compatibility between business and the principles of faith.

October 11th, 2012, Tripoli/Lebanon
Symposium on Beirut Conference 2013


organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tripoli and Northern Lebanon in participation with the General Union of Lebanese Chambers of Commerce and Industry

September 7th, 2012, Casablanca/Maroc
Symposium on Beirut Conference 2013



May 24th, 2012, Beirut/Lebanon
Launching of Beirut Conference 2013

organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Beirut and the Association of Lebanese Industrialists,
in cooperation with UNIAPAC & MA'AM

Lyon, March 30-31st & April 1st, 2012 XXIV Uniapac World Congress XXIV Assises Nationales des EDC
«  Act with hope  »

Ma'am participated in the event through a workshop entitled: "Combination of Muslim and Christian sensitivities in business, a source of hope"

25-26-27 March 2011, Beirut/Lebanon   
Preparatory Symposium for Beirut Conference 2013


The Beirut Conference
« Towards an Economy serving Mankind »
March 25-26, 2013 at Beirut/Lebanon

This conference gathering more than 500 Muslim and Christian business leaders will be the ideal place to share ideas with major global players in politics and in economy, create relationships with leaders of different nationalities and cultures while sharing the same concern for the Common Good, exchange ideas for progress based on Corporate Social Responsibility and open the way for new perspectives for global economic and social development respectful of human dignity.
For more information, click here

Description: C:\Users\micheline\Documents\SITE MA-AM\cover page 1 genèse et cheminement.jpeg

Genèse et cheminement
by Raymond Sfeir     

Genèse et Cheminement is the story of a personal and collective adventure that started with Raymond Sfeir joining a French non-profit organization for Christian entrepreneurs and leaders (Association des Entrepreneurs et Dirigeants Chrétiens - EDC) in 1989/90; that continued by the setting up of EDC Lebanon (2005/6), and then Ma'am (a Lebanese non-profit organization for Muslim and Christian entrepreneurs and leaders); thus it is the story of a very fulfilling adventure where encounters lead to discoveries and where closeness to others opens a way to unity. .

For more information about this book, click here
Description: C:\Users\micheline\Documents\SITE MA-AM\cover page Valeur des Valeurs (1).jpeg The profit of values*
A Christian vision of Corporate Social Responsibility A form of management for long-lasting enterprises
par l'Uniapac     
Corporate Social Responsibility is something everybody talks about. Is there room for any new meaningful contribution? First of all, members of Uniapac want to join with this trend which meets men and women's aspiration to justice and truth. Then, based on the concrete expertise of numerous business leaders from all over the planet, we want to stress that CSR reaches all its potential when it leads to the recognition of the central role in the enterprise of each person towards the common good. This document, written by Christian business executives from any different backgrounds, offers to the reader to discover the sources of his behavior, the corresponding principles, and shows him an innovative way for actual implementation. We experienced that passing from the care of groups' interests to the service of the good of the persons allows for a new business culture which gives CSR all its relevance and efficiency, and we have developed tools to make it happen.
(Extracts from the back cover of the book)

For more information about this book, click here
*The Profit of Values is also published in French and Arabic

Assises Chrétiennes de la Mondialisation
Livre Blanc / Dialogues pour une terre habitable*
White Book - Dialogues for a liveable earth
published in French

The Livre blanc reflects a quite different way than what was intended at first. Rather than rely on their a priori knowledge about the stakes of globalization, those who led this initiative had to give up first their certainties and leave aside very basic interpretation schemes. It is thus the story of a mutual listening to quite different globalization perceptions: employers', managers', employees' or farmers' professional stands but also Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox very differing traditions.
(Extract from the foreword of the book, translated from French)

* translated and published into Arabic.
For more information about the translated version, click here

اللغة العربيّة غنيّة جدًّا؛ تشتقُّ كلماتها دومًا من ثلاثة أحرف تُكَوِّن "فعلاً. 
وإن كان من كلمة استقبال مميَّزة، فهي "أَهْلاً وسَهْلاً"، وهي تعني "حَلَلْتُم أَهْلاً ووَطِئْتُم سَهْلاً".
"أَهِلَ" و "سَهُلَ" هما فعلان...    
ولكنّهما بحسب التشكيل تضمّان غنًى شاسعًا، إذ تحتويان بالواقع على قسط وافٍ ممّا نحن، كمديري أعمال ومسؤولين، نُفتِّش عليه، ونزرعه، ونُعلِّمه، ودون مفرٍّ نعيشه. 
بادئ ذي بدء، فعل "أَهِلَ" يعني سكن، تزوّج من واستراح مع. وكم من مرّة تنْعتنا زوجاتنا بزواجنا من مؤسّساتنا، التي نستلذّ معها أكثر ممّا مع عائلاتنا. 
ومن ثمَّ، "أَهَلَّ" يعني تضرَّع إلى، دلَّ على، أبرز... 
و"أّهَلَّ بذكر الله" تعني تضرَّع إليه بصوت عالٍ، وطلب منه استجابة سؤْلِنا. 
أليس هذا ما نعمله يوميًّا، نحن كأرباب عمل؟ أي الطلب إلى الله أن يساعدنا؟ 
وأخيرًا، "أَهَّلَ" تعني درَّب أحدهم، جعله قادرًا على، وجديرًا بـ، ولكن بشكل خاصٍّ، استقبل ووحّد. 
أليستْ ميزة التدريب هي حجر الزاوية للإنابة والوحدة، وتكوين فرق العمل... وجعل مؤسّساتنا قادرة على... وعاملة بالطريقة الفضلى والفاعلة؟ 
ألا تُكَوِّنُ القسم الأكبر من مسؤوليّاتنا؟ 
أمّا كلمة "سَهْلاً" فهي مشتقّة من فعل "سَهُلَ" و"سَهَّلَ"؛ وهي تعني بسَّطَ، هيَّن، جعله هَيِّنَ المنال؛ وكلمة "سَهْل" تعني بسيط وهيِّن.

أَوَ ليْسَتْ هذه ميزة جميع أنظمتنا التي نُحاول تنميتها انطلاقًا من وحدات بسيطة، لكي نضبِطَ بسهولة الانخراط النظاميّ، ونصلَ إلى تحقيقات عظيمة، باستخدام الوحدات البسيطة هذه؟

(ريمون رشيد صفير)



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